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Be a ROAD Scholar

Reaching Out & Achieving the Dream with Student Support Services

How do I become a ROAD Scholar of Student Support Services?
Complete an application form and return it to the SSS office.  Then schedule an appointment with a SSS advisor to:

  • determine if you are eligible for SSS
  • discuss your academic needs
  • decide which services you need

How can I be eligible for ROAD Scholar program?

 You must be one or more of the following:

  • first generation—your parent(s) did not graduate from a 4-year college
  • low income­—you are unemployed, don’t earn very much, or are receiving financial aid
  • disability—you have a physical, medical, psychological, learning, ADD/ADHD or other  disability


  • You have an academic need for SSS services
  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA
  • Must complete your program within 4 years

Where is the ROAD Scholar Program?

Learning Resource Center (LRC) Room #109
(276) 656-0296 (voice/voicemail)
(276) 632-1034 (fax)

What is the ROAD Scholar program of Student Support Services?
The ROAD Scholar Program of Student Support Services (SSS) is a comprehensive program at P&HCC that helps students be successful in college and achieve their educational goals.

How does being a ROAD Scholar help P&HCC students?
SSS helps P&HCC students by providing the following services and activities.  Some of these services and activities are for ALL students at P&HCC, and some are only for members of SSS.

~for ALL Students~

Academic Assistance & Tutoring:

Math Lab – LRC #108

  • help for any math class
  • no appointment needed

Writing Center – LRC #104

  • help with any writing assignment for any class
  • appointments available
  • “walk-in” help available for proofreading

Peer Tutoring/Study Groups – LRC, 1st Floor

  • one-on-one and small group help for most subjects
  • appointments available

Study Skills and Other Workshops:

  • Presentations on a wide variety of topics, including:

time managements/organization, study skills, stress management, budgeting and finances, motivation, communication skills, resume prep and job seeking, college and community resources

Computer Lab—LRC 1st Floor: Lab assistants will help you…

  • learn to use your P&HCC e-mail, Canvas, and Student Information System (SIS)
  • use Microsoft Office for homework assignments
  • use the Internet for research

Transfer Assistance: Transfer Advisors/Coach will help you:

  • decide which 4-year college or university is best for you and fill out admissions/financial aid applications
  • select the right classes at P&HCC
  • take FREE trips to visit 4-year colleges and universities

Resources for Students with disAbilities: disability Advisors/Coach will help you with:

  • confidential counseling & advising
  • accommodations (i.e.: note-takers, extra time for tests, quiet testing room, electronic books, etc.)
  • assistive technology (i.e.: electronic dictionary, computer dictation software, scanning and reading software, etc.)
  • communicating your needs to instructors

Academic Advising and Career Counseling: ROAD Scholar Advisors/Coaches will help you:

  • select and register for classes
  • apply for financial aid and scholarships
  • explore career options
  • improve your study skills
  • address personal or academic problems

Cultural & Social Activities:

  • FREE visits to educational, historic, and cultural sites
  • FREE tickets to local events
  • one-day trips/activities

Education Materials for Loan:

laptop computers, textbooks, digital recorders, graphing calculators

Supplemental Grant (Scholarship): extra money to help with expenses and emergencies

  • MUST apply for financial aid
  • complete application form
  • are NOT guaranteed to receive the grant
  • participate in required activities
  • pass all of your classes
Student Support Services (SSS): A federally funded grant program of $390,421 per year (2023-24) through Title IV (TRIO) of the U.S. Department of Education.   
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