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Graduate Student Fellowship

Chancellor’s Graduate Student Fellowship
Local graduate students can gain valuable collegiate teaching experience at P&HCC while still in graduate school.

Who is eligible?

The program aims to recruit students who represent varied ethnic, racial and social backgrounds who are interested in teaching careers, as well as colleges and faculty members who want to enhance teaching excellence.

How does it work?
We will match local graduate students with open teaching assignments at P&HCC. Students teach a course on campus and receive mentorship and other support from one of our full-time faculty members. Students are paid at the regular part-time adjunct professor rate for their service while in the program.

Why apply?
With this valuable teaching experience, students will become more competitive for professorships at any college or university after they graduate.

What does the program accomplish?
Virginia’s Community Colleges serve a dynamic and diverse student body where one of every three people is a minority, mirroring the commonwealth’s general population. However, the teaching faculty tends to be less diverse: only 12 percent are minorities. To ensure that our community colleges are accessible and supportive for all Virginians, we are striving to build a faculty that resembles our student body. While this program is open to all qualified graduate students, a special emphasis is placed on recruiting students from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

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